The weekend before I moved, my friends and I went to Cape Cod for a weekend of grand laughs, beach time, seafood cookouts and yard games.

Sunday came before we knew it, and my sister and I loaded up her Wrangler with all of our belongings. We only purchased the car a week before, so we were just getting used to the idea of the Jeep "zipper" world. And that's when we realized that we didn't know much of anything, and we couldn't zip up the back windshield. When in doubt, without a clue? Use duct tape. Isn't that always the solution?

It seemed to work until we were on the road for about 2 hours, when the back suddenly flew open on the highway.
Luckily we stopped at Bell's Auto Interior in Greenwich, CT where the nice guy fixed it for free! And what a pleasure it was- because a few hours down the road it started raining like crazy. Not sure the duct tape would have held up in a storm...